Saturday 22nd February 2025

Once a year the Annual General Meeting of the South East Centre comes around to give you the chance to meet your committee and some of your natter leaders. This is your opportunity to find out what has been happening within the Centre and what is being planned for the future. You might even want to offer your services to the committee – we are always open to volunteers and suggestions from members.

There is limited parking on site and in Bay Path but there is a public car park immediately opposite the White Hart. Bay Path is immediately next to the Whtie Hart pub and the Youth Center is a short distance along there. Accessibility is flat with no steps.

This is a members only event and will commence at 11am  at the St Nicholas Church Hall in Godstone.

If you would like to join us then please complete the short form below the agenda so that we know how many to expect and can get enough biscuits in. Free Teas and coffees will be available. You might have a question to ask, if so please enter it on the form as well and we will answer at the AGM – this makes it easier for us, particularly if it is complicated. You will still be able to ask non-entered questions at the meeting.

You will be able to read the various reports submitted for the AGM form our committee members at the bottom of this page.

Here is the official notice and the Agenda:

MGCC SE Centre

AGM will be held on Saturday February 22nd 2025 at 11.00.

At St Nicholas Youth Centre, Bay Path, High Street, Godstone, RH9 8DT

All documents and full agenda will be published online on the Centre website

 or can be obtained from the secretary.


  1. Welcome to members
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Minutes of the AGM held on February 24th, 2024.                                                                                            For approval
  4. Matters arising from the minutes previously notified to the secretary.
  5. Chairman’s report                                                                                                             

     6    Preliminary report of Review and Reset day held on Thursday 13th February          

  1. Treasurer’s report and annual accounts Y/E December 31st, 2024.                             
  2. Secretary’s report                                                                                                                          
  3. Competition secretary’s report                                                                                                    
  4. Events secretary’s report                
  5. Safety Fast scribe and Newsletter editor report               
  6. Archive and History report 
  7. Webmaster report             
  8. Programme for 2025  for information          


The proposed committee will comprise 12 members.The proposals listed are those provided by the current committee.

Other nominations, duly proposed and seconded in writing to the secretary (to make his life easier) 7 clear days ahead of the meeting will be eligible for election.


  1. Election of officers

               Chairman – Tim Morris                  Proposed Austin Banner                              Seconded

               Secretary – Austin J Banner          Proposed  Tim Morris                                   Seconded

               Treasurer – Ron Kemp                   Proposed Austin Banner                              Seconded

  1. Election of committee members

The following committee members have indicated their willingness to be re-elected.

               These have all been proposed by Tim Morris and seconded by Austin Banner.              

               Competition secretary (and merchandise)– John Morgan

               Events secretary – Andrew Mitchell

               Membership secretary – Diana Calvert

               History, awards and trophies – John Davies

               Safety Fast scribe and Newsletter – William Opie 

               Webmaster and social media – Tim Morris

               Natter and Wanderer Leaders liaison – Ian Russell

               Committee member – Gwen Davies

               Committee member – Philip Roussel-Smith

              New member election

               Lis Woolley – Proposed by Austin Banner            Seconded by Tim Morris 

  1. Any other business previously notified to the secretary
  1. Time, date and place of the next AGM


Austin J Banner

Secretary MGCC SE Centre, January 2025



Please click on the links to read the reports from committee members on the club’s 2024 activities:-







The Treasurer’s Report will be presented at the AGM and is available on request on proof of MGCC Membership email [email protected]

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