Saturday 5th April 2025
Filching Manor, Polegate, East Sussex BN26 5QA
This April the South East Centre returns to Filching Manor in East Sussex (just outside Eastbourne). These events have been growing in interest and feature a mix of vehicles on the former go-kart track at the Manor. MGs will be competing with vehicles from the Sevenoaks & District Motor Club and there will be separate classes for both groups including for novices – so why not have a go?
AutoSOLOs have become an increasingly popular Motorsport entry event and are based around the principles of an autotest, with the main difference being that the tests are run in a forward direction only, with the route indicated by cones/direction indicators. This event has been classified as a Taster event, meaning entry is open to enthusiasts from non-affiliated Motorsport UK clubs.
Of extra interest is the Faulkes-Halbard collection of historic vehicles including the Campbell K3 water speed record boat. The collection will be open to visit throughout the day as will a voluntary pop-up cafe serving bacon rolls, cakes and hot tea/coffee.

It will be an all-day event, with the first test commencing at 10.00am and finishing at 4.30pm with
entry limited to 40 cars. The event is being organised with support from Sevenoaks & District
Motor Club. The event will be held under a Motorsport UK Permit. It is open to historic as well as
modern classic cars.
There will be three test routes, with entrants having three attempts at each test. All tests are
timed and the two quickest test times from each route will count to the overall result, less any
penalties such as wrong route, hitting a cone, etc. Entrants will be permitted to walk the test
route. Double entry for cars is permitted and cars can take part with passengers.
All cars must be driven to the event, be complete with Road Traffic Act insurance and drivers must hold a UK DVLA licence. Minimum age for entrants is 14yrs if accompanied by a passenger who holds a DVLA
licence (Passengers allowed from 12yrs).
All entrants and Passengers must have an RS Clubmans licence, obtainable free from Motorsport UK:-
RS Clubman Licence – Motorsport UK
A video of previous events at Filching Manor to give some idea of what it is like can be seen on our YouTube channel here:-
MGCCSE Autosolo 2024 – YouTube
1. Read the Supplementary regulations here:-
2. Submit your entry online using the Sapphire Solutions website here:-
This is the only way to enter as completing this automatically adds your details to the competition software for timing and recording results.
3. Make your payment by Bank Transfer. Details of how to do that are in the Supplementary Regulations.
The entry fee per entrant will be £47.00 (Juniors £20.00) to cover Motorsport UK permit fees, venue hire, Awards, etc.
Volunteers for marshalling or support welcome
For more information, phone/email:- John Morgan 07802 770025 or email [email protected]