We would like to thank all those who came to the online Zoom AGM for 2020 – there were 36 people there at one point which is a good turnout for the club.
Highlights of the various committee reports were read out and after a little technical persuasion, Tony managed to talk us through the accounts helped by Alex sharing his screen.
The Zoom was run by secretary Austin Banner with help from Tim Morris and chairman Chris Leigh gave a positive outlook for the forthcoming year, once we’ve all had our jabs.
We were heartened to know the club is financially secure despite a year with virtually no events and that membership has only dipped slightly after nearly a year of Covid. That should be a good position for a ne treasurer to take over from Tony Atcheson (if there are any volunteers please contact secretary Austin). Tony remains as co-opted committee member until such time as he hands over to a new person.
We welcomed three new committee members – Gwen Davies, Ian Russell and Alex Lemon which brings us up to a full committee of twelve plus two officers. Chris Leigh remains chairman but expressed an intention to stand down at the next AGM.
The remaining committee members all stayed in their roles and you can see the new 2021 committee here: – https://www.mgccse.co.uk/mgccse-committee/
Following the meeting the Zoom was held open for a short while for general chat and questions.
We hope that the next AGM will be in person but no date has been set yet.