The Autumn Leaves Run and Scavenge this year is again being held in October for entrants to enjoy the Autumn weather and colours through the lovely countryside of the High Weald just south of Crawley and East Grinstead.
The Run will be over approximately 24 miles with the start at Haskins Garden Centre Snowhill, Copthorne, Felbridge, Crawley RH10 3HG and finish at The Crown Pub, Turners Hill. Along the route, the run will visit pretty villages where the walking Scavenger will take place, and all located in West Sussex.
The Scavenge will take the form of photographs for identification within a defined area in each village.
Refreshments are served from 10.00am in the Garden Centre cafe and lunch at 2.00pm at The Crown (kitchen closes at 3.00pm). The Run is non competitive, but there will be an overall guide time to arrive at the finish.

- Coffee, snacks or breakfast are available at the garden centre ordered on the day. The Crown pub will be serving Lunch at the finish and any entrants wishing to eat should make reservations direct with the pub on 01342 715218 and mention that you are part of the MGCC group. It is recommended that reservations should be made for 2.00pm but it should be noted that the kitchen closes at 3.00pm.
Entry Fee is just £10.00 per car (£11 to include processing fee if using online payment)
To apply to take part please complete the form below:-
- Click FURTHER INFORMATION below and read the event rules and details
- Complete the online form below the buttons and press SUBMIT – you will get an onscreen acknowledgment
- Once you receive the onscreen acknowledgment press PAY ONLINE and go to The Little Box Office to pay quickly and simply – you will receive email tickets
- Both parts MUST be completed to secure your booking.
- Use the following alternative method ONLY if you have had difficulties booking online – press DOWNLOAD APPLICATION and complete the form offline and email it to John Morgan. Then make a bank transfer or send a cheque as instructed in the application form.
- Any queries to John Morgan on 07802 770025 [email protected] or
Austin Banner on 07850 769506 [email protected] - Event participation is only confirmed once the entry form is completed or returned and payment has been received by MGCCSE.
- Entries close on Friday 11th October
- If you are unable to attend on the day please let one of the organisers know so as not to expect you.