Announcement From Chairman, Chris Leigh –
MGCCSE AUTUMN MEETING – Sunday 13th September 2020
Brighton Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 6PP
The coronavirus is still with us, it is still killing and maiming people every day. We must not forget that the UK’s biggest epicentre for this was in London which is a major part of our South East Centre.
Sadly, our fantastic Natters and our lovely Wanderer groups will still have to wait longer before they can get the clearance to operate in a normal way again. Until then, continue to enjoy the good weather in your MG but with no more than 6 people for your socially-distanced picnics.
NOW FOR THE GOOD NEWS!! Some commercial concerns have been allowed to plan Classic Car events by the government to reduce unemployment. Our Competitions Secretary, John Morgan, has been instrumental in discussing with the MG Car Club the policy on club events and the basis that they can be organised. The MG Car Club has always had a strong affiliation with the Motorsports Regulators, Motorsport UK, who have issued comprehensive guidance on all aspects of restarting motorsport, which also includes club events. This Guidance allows event planning to adopt the correct Covid-19 safety measures and has been agreed with the UK Government. This will allow compliant events to go ahead and therefore we are delighted that it means our Autumn Meeting will go ahead……. but with a few radical changes of date, venue and precautions. The notable differences are:-
- No entry on the day,
- MG Car Club members only,
- Maximum 120 entries,
- Sign up and pay in advance,
- Stick to the rules in terms of reducing possible coronavirus contamination.
Surely this is a small price to pay for the privilege of using our MGs, legally and respecting Coronavirus restrictions, in the way that we love to use them! Feeder routes are also being arranged from the Dorking and Sevenoaks areas.
Our planned visit to Newhaven Fort is now cancelled and the revised details for our new event will be published on our website and social media soon for you to reserve your place:
Please note that the Table Top Rally organised by Philip Bayne-Powell will also take place on the same day for those of you that would prefer to stay safely at home!
Our Autumn Naviscat planned for 4th October will also go ahead with extra Covid-19 rules.
N.B. All planned events may be subject to change on government pandemic advice.